Monday, April 2, 2012


It's Monday morning and the 2012! OMG Cancer Summit for Young Adults is over. After months of planning more the 500 survivors, caregivers and advocates attended what was the best conference in cancer land.

I think there was a good balance between the social activities and the educational sessions and first time attendees had the opportunity to meet someone who has walked in their shoes. I had the wonderful and somewhat daunting task of kicking off the summit on Saturday morning by sharing my story. It was empowering to stand before people who get it and although I was so nervous my legs was shaking from it went really well.

I also participated in two sessions including one on chronic cancer and the possibility of death. While a very difficult and topic it was well received and important to share that part of my journey.

I met so many new friends that I hope to keep in touch with. I talked about my upcoming trip and handed out hundreds of Allipalooza stickers. I can't tell you how loved I felt when I walked around and saw people wearing the stickers in support.

I hope all the attendees had as good of time as I did.

In a few hours I check out of the hotel and go to pick up the conversion/camper van for a nine day trip across the southwest. I am extremely excited and will try to post every evening. You can also find short updates and pictures on twitter. You do not need a twitter account to follow my adventures. It is or @THEallipalooza.

1 comment:

  1. Don't let her kid you folks. Alli was the star of OMG 2012 Cancer Summit and the event wouldn't have been a success without her. Can't wait to hear more Allipalooza. By the way, everyone on the planes and in the airport were checking out my Allipalooza sticker as I passed them...or I had a big booger in my noses. Either way, they were looking.
